Friday, 12 October 2012

Not been on for a while so update

Last week I bled again, looks like a 'pile' ruptured (thats what the Doctor said and the way that the bleeding differed from before and the fact that I've already been cleared of Cancer and the like means not terribly worried ...... Now

Last week almost in tears - it scared the hell out of me - hopefully now it's burst and if I'm careful I can avoid it in the future but still

Anyhoo - recent choice to get some holes filled in my Stephen King Collection led me to think about Authors I loved and have stopped reading for no other reason that it was too much hastle to admit I read them at all - what with the moaning that happens well fuck that

I decide what I read and by whom so Eddings, Feist, Jordan, Hamilton, and Herbert (frank that is) all get added to the 'actually buying real books for the shelves' list

So at the end of this month Me and Rob are going to put shelves up and then they are going to get filled :)

Not drinking between now and say the 21/12/12 to help the healing process and with the weight loss

thats it for now

later people