I can't remember the exact year I got into Doctor Who I think it may have been when I was 9 so that makes it about 35 years ago.
started (strangely) after catching an episode late in that season it
would have been The season of The Key to Time so I sorta came late to
the show
when that season ended I found some of the Target Novelisations at my local library and as well as reading the living daylights out of them I photocopied the covers and kept them
in a scrapbook
passes and ultimately the classic show ends after a period of mourning
I'm sorry to say that I strayed - living a life without The Doctor until
I discovered the expanded universe novels and things started again but
the point is (I promise there is one) I missed the UNIT stories
loved The Brigadier from the books and the occasional 'Doctor Who
Weekend' (The Five Doctors was a treat) then the few stories from the
later years (Mawdryn Undead and Battleground)
then more recently he was in the Sarah Jane Adventures and the Nicholas Courtney sadly passed away and news of the Brigadiers passing featured in The Wedding of River Song
I think he was my favorite character (next to the Doctor of course)
have had mixed feelings about this season of Doctor Who - I think it is
because it is such a contrast to what I've become accustomed to since
the relaunch and I've seen a lot of the comments flying around about the season online
Death in Heaven however settled things for me
Since Kate Stewart appeared The Brig has been mentioned and I had bit of a tear form when I saw the painting on the plane
but I think I actually caught my breath when I realised who that last Cyberman was
brilliant, simply brilliant
Master (Mistress) returns excellent by far my favorite bad guy (erm
girl) the level of unpredictable violent evil she demonstrates reminds
me of John Simm but Michelle Gomez makes the role her own (and no I don't think shes dead)
Clara/Danny storyline comes to a poignant end ,or does it, theres the
matter of the future 'Orson Pink' and did anyone else see Danny flip
over the Skovox Blitzer - I think there may be more to Danny than people
In the event of a planetary invasion The Doctor is made President of Earth........ but only after thay drug him..... erm what?
I think with this episode like the rest of this season the stories have
been character driven as much as they've been about the bad guy or
The Mistresses scheme and 'relationship' with the Doctor (I don't think she's done with him yet)
Clara and Danny saying goodbye
Danny trying to redeem himself by sending the boy back from the Nethersphere
Doctor and The Brigadier saying goodbye (sort of) and the Doctor
getting some closure about The Brigs passing (notice the
Brigadier/Cyberman didn't explode)
and the Doctor and Clara lying to
each other I think to prevent the other from saying 'well come on then
lets go fix it then' perhaps they just need some time
Then theres the obvious tribute on Rememberance weekend which I thought was magnificent
Only a few weeks until we see if Santa can reunite the Doctor and Clara and maybe fix a few other things
(please Santa bring back Osgood I really liked her)
It's been an odd season but I think Doctor Who is still in safe hands