Saturday, 12 May 2012

Started a new life recently

Started eating better and watching calories, started walking to work in the morning as the first part of a process that will end in walking to and from work every day and going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week

I've lost about 3 pounds since last Wednesday (which is what I'm calling the day I drew a line the sand)

I feel happy

So far (and I know it's early) it's been easy because at the end of this road I see a few things happening and I want them to and I think I can ... no I know I can make it there

My friends are the difference between this time and the times before when I have said such things

I asked one question (is it feasible to lose 5 stone in 7 months) and they came out and gave me advice and support which made me happy - before I tried to do this stuff on my own and I can't do that (it turns out) - but I covered that in an earlier post

Work is crap £9.5m debt in the particular area I work that I and the team I'm on have to try and recover and the biggest obstacle is work itself, crap policies terrible management and pointless restrictions make the job virtually impossible and because of upcoming changes to the benefits systems it's going to get much worse

It doesn't matter, I used to care and feel some pride when we got back some of the larger debts but no more

The Job is just that now a means to an end - it's a period of time daily that I can't do things I would rather do but thats okay

I have feelings for someone - I think about her daily and I've been told that shes not interested because I'm too fat and unhealthy for her (Quote) there is a chance I suppose that I'm actually doing this for her on some level - in any case what she said didn't actually change the way I feel about her

I know I'm a putz but hey

So I made myself a deal 5 stone gone and I get to buy a load of games stuff guilt free with whatever funds I've saved by that point - 5 stone because it's about halfway down to what is a much healthier weight for me

So the 2nd 5 stone - you'll like this - Gencon Indy 2013 in Indianappolis (at least thats the plan) is the carrot at the end of that particular stick

So from about 6AM Wednesday Morning to 6.30AM Saturday morning I lost about 3 pounds thats with changing the diet and walking to work - next week starts 3 weeks of same diet and walking to and from work - then I have a week off work at the start of June, the week after that I arrange my induction at Victoria Leisure Centre and start the gym thing

It'll be Saturday Mornings at the gym with Rob and Mark and when I get up to 2 trips per week I'll go Wednesday after work

Basically I'm happy and optimistic - which is nice


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