Sunday, 11 November 2012

And again...

Weight still coming off

Job still rubbish but doscovered possible promotion oportunity

Christmas shopping nearly all done

Since I started in May to lose the weight and stuff I've been going through other changes as well all good

It's like waking up

I'm realising that a lot has been going on over the years that I've ignored or let happen and some recent changes and comments I have made have reflected that

I'm pushing for promotion at work

I'm going to several things next year including a weekend away with Rob at a music festival in Cambridge

Got rid of a chunk of the games collection to clear dead wood and to generate Amazon credit for xmas shopping

And aknowledging that I had an issue with the Thursday game that has been spoiling it for me, now after some discussions with the guys on Facebook I am on a break until the new year (my idea) and by then I'll have the changes I think will make reffing easier for me and to make it easier for the players as well - so as far as I am concerned that is that, we'll see how things run in 2013

Now for the rest

Still not drinking - will be back with beer in hand 21.12.12 (the day I break up for 2 weeks and the traditional 'mob get together before xmas')

I am jumping on the Mantic wagon (Local Wargames and boardgame firm in Bulwell) they make good stuff that isn't GW (I have to sell my kidney to get the latest figs)  prices and have fantasy, Sci fi (a little 40k) wargames with really good figs and also a 'Blood Bowl' game as well as a board game series

Going to get some of their stuff so I can kick things off in 2013 (still be getting the occasional bit of GW scenery as they're fantastic and mostly not that expensive)

Some other things going on in my new head but some of that I'm keeping to myself and some things aren't fully fleshed out yet

Feeling better and better every day


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