Wednesday, 27 March 2013

One day left

It's been a long 3 months (not had a real break from work in that time) but I'm almost there, one more day and then 17 days off

and things are going to change

I'm going to slowly and surely put things back together

Flat Spring Cleaned
Books and stuff sorted, cataloged and lists prepared for taking to cons (first one in about 6 weeks)
Game material caught up on (current campaign written up so I'm weeks ahead) and stuff scribbled down for WoD, and M&M
Figures sorted so I know what I've got and what I need for a wide base of figs (bit short on animals, have no dinosaurs and very few non humanoid monsters)
I have games and comics to get on ebay (including going through a massive stack of DND stuff Rob gave me to fish out and Ebay the rest

I want a different Jules to come out of the other side of this cause the one here is in a bit of a rut (I think)

I've allowed things like the weather to slow me down and as they are forcasting more of the same I have to push on through so (and I don't believe I'm considering this) after the bank holiday I am goign to get up the same time I always do and walk to work (then come home again) this is to keep the weight loss going

I so want to cut loose and get on with the changes I feel I need to make, to back up the choices I have already made but are being held back by ... I don't know what  and if I can't identify what that is I'm going to have a tough time killing it

However, that is not going to stop me trying


ordered the first of the camping gear for June
Infiltration and Elder Sign for the board games things I'm doing
Some clothes

and 2 Graphic Novels

Earth 2 (new 52) and Avenger Vs Xmen

I thought I had the whole comic reading thing beaten out of me by the last time I had a standing order but I think I may have just needed a rest and I wanna do some Superhero gaming so looking forward to reading those (especially Earth 2 as it's the formation of the new 52 JSA which I think I prefer to the JLA)

but all that is in the near future and now it's 10pm The Eagles are playing on Youtube and I am going to bed

Night all


Saturday, 16 March 2013

I'm back baby!!

after a long failed (diet wise) period from just before xmas until recently I wasn't doing well but lost 9 pounds this week so stick that in your pipe and smoke it

since the decorating plans are a little postponed because of camping bills, conventions and the like (but will still happen in June/July kinda time) been inna frustrated holding pattern untill.....

One of the problems I've been having with the gaming setup is that mostly I RPG but sometimes I boardgame (and as recently a sorta Mark/Rob based request for an occasional boardgame saturday thing to be held at my place) and I want to wargame a bit (or maybe a lot) space (organisation) is a problem until.........

Didi you know that my favorite Thunderbird was Thunderbird 2 (bear with me)

It was modular it was the swiss army knife of TV craft and this is my inspiration

for the RPG side I have the Whiteboard 6' by 4' surface you can draw on and thats freat

I ordered a big piece of Blue felt this week to use as a covering for the tabble so that people can actually pick up cards (was tricky before) for the boardgames

and I have a thought about the wargaming side of this which won't happen until my xmas club money is dolled out (£300 coming my way after my xmas shopping is done what am I gonna do?)


I wanted to have the living room done in vintage furniture (if not the whole flat) not very vintage just looks that way, but had to go with Ikea because my games collection kills other, lesser furniture


I have a table that looks a bit vintage and that is going to replace the 2 pine tables I have the white board on currently and will be easier to store when I need to take the gaimg setup down - sorting that out today

sorting some ideas out for figure storage to be incorperated into the living room setup and sorting other stuff into other parts of the flat (DVDs, novels that kind of thing)

getting Infiltration (which is fantastic) and Elder Signs at the end of the month and Descent second edition later in the year (saw a video review by these guys

 and apparently not only is it a new smoother system but with the conversion kit you can use the monsters and heroes from the first game in the second edition one)

I'm getting there and the flat deadline is christmas and I think I'm gonna make it :D


Sunday, 10 March 2013

my problem is that I talk a good game

but I'm frequently afraid of consquences

Fear of failure and even fear of what would happen if I suceed

It's sometime paralyzing and I don't have the faintest idea where it comes from

but I'm going to try something new - I'm just going to start doing things

lets see how that works out


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

been thinking about previous post and Shells excellent comments on Twitter and the only thing I can think of to shake things up is the trip I wated to make to Gen Con indie next year for the release (probably) of DND Next

Issue with this idea are

It is going to cost a Butt load of money
I will probably be going alone - abroad, to the states, out of the country for the first time - alone


and did I mention the butt load of money

so I'm gonna try and get the butt load of money together and if I get to the con great (or terrifyingly not great)


I dont get the cash together and finish up wth the need to go somewhere and have a pocket full of cash

In the meantime, occasional boardgames at Del and Suse's so gonna try and find the time to read more rules

(excellent excuse to buy some more games - I have 4 currently in mind but have things like Con Quest and folk festivals to save for yet so when I can)

Also request from some to do a similar occasional boardgame thing at my place came up at the weekend from other people I game with so loads of opportunity to practice my gaming

When my mango card turns up (for Trent Barton buses) me and Rob gonna start the walking thing (twice a week)

game tomorrow and chill Friday

Weekend (no Sunday game this week) is gonna be bought to you by Caffeine (pepsi max and Cart Noir), and possible some assistance from doughnuts - definately some tunes along with games rules, superglue, paints and (thanx to lovefilm) Halo 4

tried the 'not worrying about the big picture' thing today and it kinda worked may take some time to sink in properley

and I have another thought about something I can be doing but until I actually start that I'm keeping it under my hat

and yes that was vagueing but it's my bloody blog and I'll vague if I want to (see what i did there)

all in all Shell is a genius and I'll be damned if I'm gonna quit any bloody thing



Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Thats it I give up

I've spent the last few months (maybe longer) stressing about where life is going - if it is in fact going anywhere or whatever

Well for now the big things in life (a job i actually enjoy, finding someone, all the rest) can wait I need some time to relax and lose weight and just get my head together

If the good stuff happens along then I'll grab on and not let go but for now .... well we'll see