Thursday, 19 March 2015


okay so at some point the group is going to play DND 5e (with me as ref probably)

we did the same thing with 4th and as a group agreed to walk away from it because (to put it politely) it wasn't our cup of tea

I think 5e will be different because WOTC did a public design/playtest thing (which is what I think made Pathfinder so good - the players and the designers designed the game) which brings up the real possiblity that we will be playing 5e rather than Pathfinder in the future

I think this will be because now Pathfinder is a bloated whale of options and rising power levels which is exactly what 3.5 turned into and got us to switch to Pathfinder

5e doesn't get a fraction of the releases that PF or 3.5 got which is I think a genius move and will leave DND on top

but I have a metric crapload of Pathfinder material that isn't just mechanics but story as well which I don't want to sell off so what to do

the most likely thing that is going to happen is that I am going to read the material and use plot and chracters in a traditional DND game - mathematical conversions are possible but seems like a lot of work that these days I do not have the enthusiasm for

so whats going to happen is I am going to perhaps pinch adventure (path?) ideas and just repopulate with DND critters and loot etc and see how we get on

second thing is that although I really want to get into Magic tournaments and stuff the sheer expense makes my head spin I could if I really wanted to budget an amount every month for boosters I could but to what end - it doesn't ever end

with the new release format I'd be looking at a 'fat pack' and x times boosters (averaging anywhere between £2.50 and £3.50 per booster) and the fat pack costs £25 - £30 (9 boosters, semi random cards, guide and boxes)

It is so much more expensive than I thought and even I won't go there

So we come to Living Card games - sorta like CCGs but not really random - core set and monthly releases of set cards (about 20 or so) you build decks and add the expansion cards in but it doesnt cost anyway near as much

plus the sets I have are Call of Cthulhu, Lord of the Rings, and newly bought Netrunner I also have Warhammer INvasion but I think thats going on Ebay at some point) - they also have Star Wars and a 40k one that I am probably going to get

and they have organised play

Subject matter for the LCG's is so much closer to my core interests than MTG anyway

so looks like an Ebay clear out coming up

on 01/04/15 I start a 2 week break from work thank god and during that fortnight I will be hitting the 5e books

Providing I can get the World of Darkness thing out of my head - Dels game is great it's pre Batman (and super villains) Gotham it's understated in the sense that we are playing Detectives stumbling across organised Crime (and wierdness) and it's all escalating at a nice pace

Downside is becauseof Dereks genius I keep wanting to dive into the EOD instead of the 5e stuff I'm supposed to be writing

so on the run up to the break I am going to indulge my 'sweet toot' for WOD and get some proper work done later

Also got some LCG's to read - and a boardgame or 2

loads of stuff 



  2. I thought you might find these interesting:




    The prices seem quite low.
