Friday, 23 March 2012


I hate Nostalgia

Occasionally people say things or do things that remind you of times past and sometimes thats good

A couple of times a picture turns up that makes you stop - actually stops you in your tracks and makes you say "shit" 

One was a year or so ago featureing some old friends at the Rocky Horror Show (yes I went) I Had tonsilitus at the time (hence the Doctor Who scarf) this was back in the 80's and it was really something to be yanked back to that time and think about what was going on that night

The someone put one on tonight and I literally couldn't stop looking at that picture and one thing kept rolling through my mind "you bloody fool Jules"

It all comes down to choices you make which you think are right at the time and then sometimes years later you just have to rethink and sometimes you wonder what would have happend if you's chosen the other path

It boils down to one choice on one night that went wrong. Which led to another choice which went wrong etc - what would've happend if I'd not gone down the path I did?

I've thought about that night (especially over the last few years) and I've come to the conclusion that I was an idiot (some may say I still am but.....)

The thing is .. can you go back?   Not all the way you could never do that but could you just think and live the way you used to just a bit, just a little bit... enough to recapture some of that simple, effortless, carefree joy that you used to have before life got complicated

Can you?

Lets see..............

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