Monday, 6 May 2013

I need to achieve something - a lot of my friends have families and better jobs than me (cause I thought going to work for my local council was a goal I wanted to achieve for a career and found a dead end job that I am now stuck in with no prospects (according to my team leader says))

Theres not a lot I can do about that right now but one day....

I can't remember the last time I read a book and just enjoyed it instead of 'gamifying' it

I keep waffling on about things I want to get done and sometimes they do get done but more often they don't because sometimes I just can't see any point

but maybe thats the point to just go through the motions until something appears

I don't know but I'm going to give it a try cause otherwise I'm just gonna stay ...lost

So things kick off this week I have three goals and I'm not going to go on about them, cause thats what always happens and then  nothing

Hopefully this Sinitus isn't going to hang around for very much longer cause I'm back at the mad house tomorrow

Next Event thing coming up Southwell Folk Festival

Must reapply myself to the weight loss effort (going slowly I want it to go quicker)

and keep wondering if there is actually anyone out there for me, or if I'm better off just me


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