Saturday, 19 October 2013

When my current run as ref in the week ends I'm hanging it up, for a while

No reffing

And I'm not reffing D20 again (probably) inspiration being what it is you never quite know when your sitting there and an idea hits you which you really do have to get down on paper and as D20 is the most common denominator it may be that if it happens at all

I'm not reffing Fantasy again (probably) see above statement

My sense of wonder has pretty much gone when it comes to Fantasy, it's no longer wondrous landscapes and images in my head of terrifying creatures or incredible magical effects it's all about stats and working out movement in my head etc - I knew this would happen someday and I hope it's not permanent but it may be

Not to mention that reffing DND (and Pathfinder) is bloody hard work after a time as players go up levels and power creep comes into it - it's not fun when it gets like that and DM's do this thing for fun just like everybody else at the Table

I thought about just stopping roleplaying alltogether for a while but The Wednesday Game and Onyx Path Publishing (They're really White Wolf) put me straight on that 

I will still give DND next a look but hold out little hope

So starting after next payday I will be selling off everything DND I have (all editions) I will keep the pathfinder stuff but box away everthing reffish

The WOD game I play at Dereks and Suses has more than rekindled my interest in that system and I have Savage Worlds now which is a generic thing that has a number of settings for it (Including Deadlands) but it lacks something for Space ship to ship combat so I'm getting Traveller

I'll someday run some short adventures of various systems on Wednesday nights but no long term campaigns for me in the forseeable future - there are other reasons for that decision but for the life of me I can't figure out a way to broach those issues without starting some ridiculous scandal or something so leaving those alone

 Weight loss slow but ongoing

Job = Shit - I mean really the feeling I'm being crushed in Mind, Body and spirit is constant in that place now - yesterday after lunch I spent 35 mins trying to get one of my monitors working (this kind of crap is a regular thing at that place) it monotonous work that doesn't change, we've not had a reasonable payrise in years and even my team leader admitted that I'm not being paid what I'm worth but the only way to change that is to get the whole section reassessed and that may well result in pay cuts for some others on the team so she won't do it

So my plans for strating an open university course (creative writing most likely) next September have been moved to February as I'm starting an escape tunnel

Lovelife = none ( still hung up on a couple of people I shouldn't be but after 20 years of being single sitting on my feelings is second nature now but still)

The Flat = ongoing getting some stuff in to start tarting up the place and really want to make the place more comfortable but sometimes see the size of that job and balk - but not giving up

Thats me ... I don't give up

Right got to get scrubbed up and dressed as I am going round Del and Suse's to embarrass myself by 'running' a board game




  1. Ridiculous scandal? I am intrigued.

  2. there is an 'attitude/behaviour pattern' that some of the players in the game I'm reffing have that have stopped me from having fun when I ref - I'm hoping that an extended break from reffing long term games will bring some of the fun back, but we'll have to see

  3. I know what you mean.

  4. sorry to hear that but somewhat comforted that I'm not alone in this :)

  5. Would it not help the situation to sit down with the players and discuss the issue at length? It seems a shame not to ref if a solution could be found. I know that a lot of work goes into reffing, especially when the game has the amount of detail that you write into it. The thing I always loved about your games was the depth of the story, and the NPCs. Not to mention your patience with the players, and ability to answer questions that players have.

  6. I tried to get this campaign off the ground 3 times brofore it took - based on an idea I had 5 years ago - I stuck with it and finally got it running and 3 years later I can see the end - but not the end I wanted it to be I wanted to see how far I could run to what level the players could get to - and then I have a player who throws a mardi when things don't go his way but they are always shortlived and harmless, I have a player who accuses me of changing rules when he gets something wrong or when things don't get his way, I have another player who is going through some stuff and brings that to the table sometimes and my fourth player who I have gamed with for decades and I don't ever have any issues with

    A fifth player isn't currently at the game because of a personality conflict with someone else at the table

    I thought it would go the distance but it's got to the point where I would rather walk away than see my idea crash and burn completely

    Pathfinder is now what 3.5 was before it croaked far too many options and for me at least too much to control whilst I ahve to deal with all this other crap

    So me walking away is pre emptive damage control

    And sadly I don't feel it worth my time or effort to ref anymore

    just don't feel it

  7. Sadly, it seems that the issue is that the majority of your players are not showing you the respect you deserve, as does anyone who puts the work into reffing.

    A pre-emptive decision seems to be the best idea under the circumstance you have described. It seems like you need a new group, involving you and (I assume the decades long player) Rob.

    I have seen so many sessions spoiled by moody players, egos being bruised, and 'rules lawyers' who believe that their interpretation of a rule is the only one.

    It is regrettable, but it seems that you have made the right choice. I only hope that in the future when you have had a break, you might decide to try again.

  8. What about other gamers you know? Could you create a big enough group from them? If you had the player that you had no trouble with, and the one that left.....? That's a start. Maybe advertise on a gaming website for new blood?

  9. The one that gets angry for short bursts is okay and with Rob and the missing one I could maybe get another body or two - but that won't solve the problem and may just perpetuate it - no I'm hanging it up - Robs taking over after me long term

  10. It's a damn shame. But, at the end of the day role-playing games are supposed to be fun, whatever role you play, ref or player. If you aren't enjoying something, you have to make changes, or stop altogether. I hope things work out for you in this. :)

  11. I hope the Thursday game went well...?

  12. sorry not got back to you recently but been busy - yes the knowledge that soon I wont have to ref for a considerable time is helping - some of the issues still exist but they're not important anymore

  13. I'm glad to see that you have found a positive solution that works for you.

    I only hope your players/friends realise what their disrespect has caused.

    1. 'Disrespect' is too harsh, I meant behaviour. Sorry.
