Monday, 18 November 2013


Great song from Iron Maiden (would put it on right now but it would drown out the Matt Smith Who episode I have on)

So I stopped my Pathfinder Campaign and the relief was palpable not that I wasn't enjoying it as such but Reffing DND type games these days involves a lot of 'staying on top of things' as in player abilities and monsters and new books etc and it became like a second job and I really don't need a second job

I never intended (or said) that I wasn't going to stop reffing things that aren't DNDish and since the 'voices' in my head have started whispering again I've been thinking about projects for the far future (or one of the groups round town)

Three things are in my head at the moment

1) Superhero

A while ago Rob and me briefly chatted about a combined Marvel/DC campaign setting for Mutants and Masterminds (it didn't really go anywhere) but expand it to include The Mutant and Masterminds own campaign stuff and a massive campaign setting exists (or this is a massive self deception and my geek brain is trying to trick me in reading a massive amount of comics/graphics for 'research purposes')

2) WOD/Cthulhu

Suse is a genius

Years ago I tried to run a 'multi class' WOD pre written adventure which didn't work but Suse managed to level things out power wise and it is a fantastic game to play so a multi class (or Mage) game with mythos elements (they're already there anyway) is really tempting right now - as a plus I would have to read a massive amount of White Wolf and as I now know where to get most of the books I'm missing on print on demand I could complete my WW collection - which is nice

3) The One Ring

I love Cubicle 7 stuff and the One ring is a good system (plus you know Tolkien) so this was in the running and I am going to get the stuff at some point in the future but still fantasy reffing

so down to 2

Have a cold which was bloody awful yesterday but today not so bad - would have been fine but work aggravates these things but I think getting better

Doctor Who Anniversary weekend coming up and quite looking forward to it

Think I'm going to read Mage tonight......


  1. Here's something you may find interesting and useful.
    It looks a little Hellboy(ish), and I love the artwork and figures.
    I was particularly intrigued by the title of a 2014 release 'Achtung! Cthulhu - Assault on the Mountains of Madness'.
    I love a good romp through demon infested 1940s. :D

    1. Don't ask me why the first line fucked up like that. State-of-the-art my ass!! :P

    2. Assault on the Mountains of Madness?

      Nazis, Mythos shenannigens LOTs of snow

      whats not to love?

      Cheers :)

    3. It might also be the closest thing to an Indiana Jones game we will ever see (assuming there isn't one), or could be adapted to serve the purpose. Also, assuming people want an Indy game, which I think would be interesting.

  2. If you want a laugh, check out the trailer for a movie called 'Zero Charisma' on IMDB. It never ceases to amaze me the portrayal of role-players in the media, and in movies and tv shows. They think we're all geeks or borderline psychopaths. Check out the 'game-masters' reaction when a guy DARES to bring beer to a game. Absolutely hilarious (or is it?....)

    Let me know whatcha think. :D
