Friday, 20 February 2015



Last night smelt wet plaster then went to investigate
coming from airing cupboard - thought smelt that before so will monitor

walked back to kitchen to make coffee to find floor swimming in water, walked back to hall to find water coming out from under airing cupboard door,out from bathroom into hall and coming from somewhere under the bed

I collect books, comics and now Magic the Gathering Cards so panic!

stuffed things down infront of water and mopped until mop broke

Landlord repair centre just said that there was a 'major problem' in the upper floors but told me threre was nothing they could do until the plumbers found the problem

3 hours later they finally find it and I have lost my big 'flappy coat', my Duvet and some clothes

Had to take today off work and clear up stuff but got away without serious losses

normaility to resume shortly :)


  1. You need to immediately seek compensation. They should have informed you that there was a leak above you straight away and didn't. You would have at least had the opportunity to move stuff out of the line of fire.

    Are you insured for water damage?

  2. learning about insurance but feom what I've learnt so far should get my own independant coverage apart from the tenant insurance

    email sent to landlord and will no doubt be arguing with them shortly

  3. Good idea. Considering the collections you have, a comprehensive policy is essential. I have no idea what all your comics and game books would cost to replace but I imagine the amount is staggering. Especially with the disregard for people that they showed in not alerting tenants to the situation.

    Unfortunately your landlord is Nottingham City Homes, and so the only higher authority to go to if they give you the runaround is NCC. And I know from experience that these housing associations are in bed with the local council (Gedling Homes and GBC for example).


  5. I just noticed that you changed your profile description. Very interesting. I wanted to get back into Magic The Gathering, but it was impractical for me to attempt. What kind of business would you start if you could?

    On the subject of owning your home, I know that in the past you have spoken about buying your flat through the right to buy scheme. Here is a cautionary tale.

    In the building where I live there are two residents who own their flats, the rest are Gedling Homes properties. In recent years Gedling Homes have made a number of improvements to the site. New paths, automatic doors and now a small building for electric scooters (in completely the wrong place). We are also about to be scaffolded and the outside of the building insulated. In conversations with the two tenants who own their flats, I was told that when these improvements are made, they are charged, because they have some kind of financial responsibility. This included maintenance to the lift as well. One amount was around £1000.

    Therefore, I strongly suggest that you find out if that would be the case with Nottingham City Homes, before you consider buying.

    Obviously it would cost a lot more to get a mortgage without the right to buy discount, but I thought you should be aware of this possibility.

    I suppose if you found a small house to rent from Nottingham City Homes, you right to buy discount would apply, since, I believe, that they count the number of years in any NCH property, not just one.

  6. Let me know if you find out anything. I'm curious as to whether this is a viable option.

  7. The reason I am anonymous on here, whoever I am, is two-fold. Firstly I like being mysterious. But, more importantly, the only other option on the list is Google account. I refuse to use a Google account just on principle. Because of them I lost a year's worth of comments and replies on Youtube. It seems that we MUST have a Google account to use Youtube. Well, I prefer free will.

    And, perhaps I am not who you might think. :)

    I don't like this 'I am not a robot' thing. Maybe I am one.

  8. well you're clearly not who I originally thought you were
    but a lot of similarities with gedling homes, the MTG in youjr past
    but the person I thought you might have been hasn't talked to me in a long time because of 'an upset'
    but methinks you know me apart from this even if it's just on Facebook

  9. Well, I'm not on you friends list on Facebook.

    I'm Sorry you had an upset with someone. I know how hard that can be.

  10. coinsidentally neither is he - he took himself off my friends list

  11. Well you mentioned an upset, so it's hardly surprising. Some people don't handle confrontation well, and need to run away. He's probably not worth worrying about. I probably would have blocked him if he upset me. I have had to block people recently.

    1. I was on your friends list a while ago, but closed my page down and started from scratch, so it automatically removed me from it. I'm not suggesting that's what he did, but my earlier message implied that I had never been on your list, and I like to clarify things.

    2. I just wanted to say that I didn't mean you when I talked about running away.

      Have you contacted your landlord yet? and if so, any luck with your water damage?

  12. I assume you have heard about Leonard Nimoy. It's a damn shame. I know he looked frail last year, but I was hoping it was just an illness and he would recover.

    I can't say I am a die hard Star Trek fan anymore, other than the 12 movies. I find the TV stuff a little irritating now. But this news is a shock.

  13. my Landlord sent me a claims form by email that I'm filling in over the weekend but it seems from the message that came with it that they have to be sure it's their fault

    really sad about Leonard Nimoy I am an occasional Star Trek fan (much prefer the novels to the TV/Film but have binges) will have to watch something over the weekend by way of tribute

    sorry to hear you had to come off my list and close your FB page sometimes I've felt like that but always go back to FB

  14. I think, from what you said in the post, that it is their fault. I hope you get some compensation for your lost items.

    I think Star Trek 1-3 and 6 are the best of the TOS movies.

    Coming off your list was nothing personal.

  15. I guess that by now you have a new duvet. If not I recommend the Wilkinson's brand. I bought one at the end of last year, and the quality is amazing. Only £10. 'Wilko Super Soft'.

  16. I just figured out who you think I am (I was a bit slow). I have to say I am shocked. I hate that guy.

  17. thats a popular view these days
    to be honest I did at first but you are more articulate than he is generally
    no offense meant :)

  18. Non taken.

    I would be the last person to defend him, but I never found him inarticulate. In fact if he wasn't, well, him, I would send him a friend request on the strength of his Facebook page. It is interesting.

    It must be hard hating family. I feel for you, I really do.

  19. I don't hate him I don't hate anyone there's no point to that
    I feel sorry for what his life has become and for a while I despaired because I can't help him
    but these days I am trying to live my life better and to fill holes in my own life
    I need to find someone (because 21 years single is far too liong in anyones book), I don't have time for some of the 'drama' going on around me these days I need to focus and get in better physical shape and the rest will follow

    cue 80's training montage :)

  20. I think getting in shape is a great thing, as long as you don't put too much pressure on yourself.

    I guess it is difficult to help him, considering what he did, when people around you are aware of it. You don't want to lose people over it.

    How often do you see him or speak to him?

  21. which is why I told my circle of friends about him (Rob and Mark were there when I found out) the others well I didn't wnat anyone to find out later and think I was keeping it a secret

    and I've not seen him in 6 years and not FB'd him since last summer or so

    I found out that some things I can't fix

  22. I wasn't aware that you had cut him out of your life completely.

    It must have been difficult, if not impossible, to find any foundation for repairing your relationship. And even harder to cut him out after all the years together, role-playing and Magic the Gathering and such.

    I know from my own experience that he doesn't have the strength or confidence to cultivate new relationships.

    I think if it was my brother I would try and create some kind of connection, but it would still be very difficult, even with our close relationship, to talk through the issues and come out at the other end with a positive relationship.

    I hasten to add that I am not judging you, or defending him.

  23. I tried on and off for the last 6 years
    I failed
    theres nothing I can do now
    I'm just learning to live with it

  24. There's always hope. It's only the desire to change something that we lose.

    I tried learning to live with things, but I prefer to take things head on. Situations that we can't resolve sometimes eat away at us, even when we don't create the situation in the first place. But, the resolution can give us a measure of peace simply by removing one issue. There is precious little peace to be had in the modern world.

    I'm not sure you can say you failed. There were two people involved in the attempts to connect, I would imagine.

  25. It used to eat at me but now it seems clear he doesn't want to be helped
    So I look to improving my own life
    I have great friends and if I can get some momentum going I can have a great life so thats now the plan :)

  26. I'm starting to see why you stopped talking to him last summer. It's a shame that he can't be redeemed. I may have issues with him, but I hate to see potential go to waste with anyone.

    I think everyone needs help at some point, and I can't understand his attitude in not wanting help from you. He always spoke highly of you, and the others in the group. About how you were there for him when your grandmother passed away.

    Perhaps he feels guilty, and has trouble expressing his emotions.

  27. expressing his emotions was never an issue
    and he never spoke highly of anyone to me
    and his hissy fits are legendary
    It's a shame how things turned out but now I need to build something for me
    I just can't spend any more time feeling sorry for him
    and he should feel guilty, thats natural but he's not trying to change things for the better and I don't have the strength or the patience anymore

  28. Again, I am not defending him, but, if you two never communicate with each other, how do you know what changes, if any, he is attempting to make?

    Obviously he annoyed you enough last year that you cut him off completely, but I don't think that the Internet is an effective means of communication anyway. I would be curious as to whether he has changed since he was a part of your life.

    It can be frustrating not being able to solve problems, and I would imagine that his failure to find any kind of common ground with you is a major problem for him.

    I was looking at his old Facebook page last year, on occasion, and there seemed to be a lot of posts about trying to solve problems with Gedling Borough Council, and Gedling Homes. Also, some college stuff I think, but that page disappeared, so I can't confirm it.

    1. I should add that I am not 'going out on a limb' for him.

  29. ah you missunderstand - I didn't cut him out we had a row (he was telling some lies on FB which I called him on) and during the conversation I phoned my dad to find out what he'd been telling the parents and as well as finding out that I was told what his problems with moving and gedling homes was

    (little history) the problems I've been having that have led to two Colonoscopies and according to my dad he, my sister and by the sound of things 'him' all have those same symptoms - the polyp thing is hereditary and they can lead to bowel cancer - I've taold my dad he they should get checked out but they're not doing anything

    anyway 'he' seems to have these health issues and he sees that as part of the reason he needs to move closer to the parents but there was a data protection issue

    I have more than a little experience with the data protection act and for me the solution seems simple - so I called him on the lying thing, told him I'd talked to Dad and told him in detail what he needed to do to get past his problems and get moved where he wants

    his reaction was to completely wipe his FB page of everything and that was the last he talked to me (he has since defriended me on FB)

    I didn't cut him out he walked away from me - after that I don't know what I'm supposed to do

    So building me a life, finding me someone nerdy to be with and trying to get this life thing back on track

  30. Just not sure how to respond. The info you posted seems like very personal family stuff. I don't want to get that involved.

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