Thursday, 19 April 2012

Weeks been okay did most of the walking I wanted to (weather interferred with the rest)

Scored a free laptop (getting adaptor at the weekend)

Got some ground work regarding new RPG project and decided which system it's going to be

given some thought to how I want the flat to look like and how to make it more comfortable like a home

thought seriously about the future and actually have some vague ideas about what I want mine to involve

I have had this growing sense of optimism and hope that has been getting stronger all week

I mean seriously considering the miserable bastard I've been the last few years people at work must think I'm on drugs (which as you are aware is impossible as I am a geek and therefore cannot afford a drug habit)

I've come to the conclusion that the polyp thing coupled with the fact that my sense of taste and smell have been non existant for a very long time was driving me into a miserable state, (apparently the polyp took 10 - 15 years to grow to that size and was making me feel increasingly ill) now the polyp is gone and my sinuses are more or less back to normal the only thing thats holding me back is my weight and the general ill effects that brings

This week started the walking

June starts the gym

I am really getting into the idea of being a new me

So immediate plans

Get Boris painted up (hopefully for Sunday)
Start sorting books etc into areas of the flat work out what shelving etc I need to get them out of boxes
sort through figures I have to find the ones I want to keep and the ones that are going onto Ebay or into the bin
put more stuff on ebay
 these are the things I am going to hit this weekend

Next Friday the post payday pissup is actually going to be starting at the Galleries of Justice watching a production of The Crucible starring Tonis lad Danny - then to the pub (yeah I got layers!!!!)

for now though it's time to crash and try and hit Friday running then the weekend


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