Sunday, 10 June 2012

Well, coming to the end of my break

Weight loss basically massive fail - a mixture of terrible weather, Monday when I couldn't get the enthusiasm to do anything and a massive alleergy thing at the end of the week and it was all a bit rubbish

Looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow just so I can get back on program

Went to the docs about my hernia and shoulder - hernia should be okay if I don't overdo any working out but wants it sorted anyway (howeve he has some doubts that they'd operate if I was at my current weight class so thats a bit dumb)

However he said the shoulder thing is probably a trapped nerve in my neck and it wouldn't be good to strain that so the gym thing is on hold for now

Been looking at increasing the walking thing to compensate for lack of gym and found that they have a 'health walk'  at the Victoria Embankment (which I've never been to)

Was going to go this week but I may have drowned

So walking to and from work daily and trying something like the health walk on Saturdays maybe and see how that goes

Got some of the list done and some more to come today

I need to tighten things up and not be so distracted by things

WH 40K new edition is coming out on the 23rd by the looks of it so a perfect chance to jump on




So back to work tomorrow, back on the weight loss thing

Focussing on getting things moving with regards to what I want to do with my life as work, and occasional gaming isn't cutting it frankly

Basically ONWARD!!!!!!!


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