Friday, 9 October 2015

State of the Union


for what will be 4 weeks next Tuesday I will have been off work ill

Cellulitus in my left leg (opposite to the last time so at least matching scars) had to rest leg and take antibiotics for 4 weeks which have messed me up somewhat

I have however had plenty of time to think

(I know I've started threads like this before and I will understand if people tune out)

My life is going nowhere, I am not a stupid man but I am sometimes weak and that has hurt me in the past and its past time I changed that

(this next bit was gong to be a rambling history of my issues with family and one member in particular but I am really bored with that trainwreck these days so moving on)

So issues

I have 3 RPGs a week - this may be too many there are other games and activities I want to have a go at that only having 4 non RPG days a week gets in the way of so I have to address that at some point

I am going to be running a massive Pathfinder dungeon at some point and after that it's going to have to be DND ( but I can get plenty of ideas and material from Pathfinder adventures and stuff)

I want to run a massive Call of Cthulhu Campaign

Bought DND Attack wing (which amazingly uses the same system as X Wing and Star Trek Attack Wing uses) loads of Dragons and the like so bulking out figure collection

also bought new Army Painter set so I can start on the mountain of figures that need painting

have an idea about how to reformat the flat so It's less ... what it is right now

my health needs attention

I need some 'expansion' in my life

I've been single for 23 years because I ignored Rob's advice about someone I shouldn't have got involved with - she messed me up and damaged my trust in people which I have let hold me back

I want to travel

I want to do so many things  that I don't and I have never been entirely sure why

so new plan is to run at everything and try not to over think things

to quote Stephen King (who pinched it from Reinhold Niebuh)

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The strength to change the things I can
And the good luck not to fuck up to offten


Sunday, 13 September 2015

new Monday tomorrow

new start of the week and a new plan
new attempt on diet/excercise
starting to get reorganised and write a campaign I can be proud of

got the setting (with a little alteration or two), got the system (same) got the time

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

And here we go

Almost sold my Laptop at the weekend as I'd not used it for what I wanted to
would have got £50 less than I paid for it which aint bad

then I changed my mind 

problem Ive got is that now I'm bouncing between Pathfinder games and a WOD game as a player I get inspired to write for one of those systems so keep changing 3 times a week

but now I hear/feel The Orient Express calling, I have Cubicle 7's London box set on it's way

The Laptop is going to be a centre for all I use for the reffing - music, images video and rules

Starting with Call of Cthulhu

Tomorrow I buy a new wireless printer and set it up - and I can start work

Also plan on writing some fiction as well of a Cthulhu type nature


Saturday, 22 August 2015

Could I?

A while ago a good friend of mine who I'd been talking to about me writing something other than RPG's (she is a published writer which makes 2 I know) and that evening she challenged me to write something there and then (through facebook)

I sat and thought and wrote a short (very) story about a detective (UK) who stumbled into a conspiracy involving faustian deals, police corruption, murder and evil

I could have continued with it but realised that I need to commit to that kind of thing and with all the other stuff I felt I had going on in my life (not important stuff just stuff that took up time) so I couldn't continue and do it justice

now I have different priorities - the RPGing isn't as important as it was a few years ago and I've been branching out into games that don't require as much effort really

Card Games, board games etc

besides I have often thought about writing stuff in Star Trek or Doctor Who

I really enjoy reading Star Trek Novels (Guilty secret I read William Shatners the Return all the way through in one go years ago and that book holds the distinction of being the only book I have ever read twice back to back)

the consistent advice I have seen online and in some books on the subject is if you want to write then you must read vast amounts - which is nice

so hitting the Star Trek Novels re reading Destiny and going on from  there and scribbling any ideas I have down

lets see how this goes


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Okay this is the plan

I now have a long term plan (for reffing and perhaps a life plan)

game plan

Rappan Athuk (Pathfinder) starts in the next 2 sessions at my place
Will be reading up on 5th edition and working on a Forgotten Realms campaign for that
The One Ring (RPG for Middle Earth) turns up soon and will be picking at that slowly creating campaign

now Rappan as myself and Rob are taking turns over time reffing may take the rest of my natural to run but the other games I have knocking about in my head will get down on paper

(theres always the cthulhu and wod stuff as well but I'm giving up on trying to corral these things)
Steve went through this years ago when I shared a flat with him and Debs - there were pads everywhere with notes for tons of games on them (now I understand why)

so tons of reading and loads of work (looking forward to this)

Life thing

If I get into Tolkien to the extent planned then I'm going to re examine the creative writing OU course (with a history element)

Theres an online course with an outfit called Mythgard where you an study for a degree in 'Tolkien' (some other fantasy based stuff as well)


Sunday, 9 August 2015


yesterdays post deleted cause it serves no purpose

I know what I'm doing next

just gonna do it and see what happens


Friday, 31 July 2015


started the Nasal irrigation on Monday
worked like a charm
I'm still vulnerable to stuff that triggers allergies sudden drop in temperature today

but generally much much better
I'm thinking more clearly my sense of smell is coming back (and taste)
concentration is better

so how much better I get will have to wait and see

but it brings me to a point

my home is a tip
my health is crap
money's okay

work is ...... not something I'm allowed to discuss on social media ... which tells you something about work

anyway I want to spend some serious time exploiting the fact I feel better and fix things so tonight is effectively my last night of pure freedom - because tomorrow I start to Fix things

I may need help with this but since I don't know whats going to happen I can't say for sure

this weekend cleaning the flat (ongoing)
next weekend me Rob, Mark and Langley playing Magic then beer

it's a start


Saturday, 18 July 2015

new idea (notice I did not say plan)

I like Horror

(also Sci Fi and fantasy but these days mostly horror)

now, for well decades Fantasy has been the staple for RPG's I've reffed/played which is fine

but I'd like to have a more 'horrory' gaming life


I'm od'ing on Horror (ish) stuff (restarted Supernatural and catching the strain and penny dreadful)

and my game writing will I think reflect this - after all from a normal persons view the monsters taken for granted in fantasy RPG's would be bloody scary (If I hadn't killed around  50,000 Orcs over the years i'd be frightend but now it's blegh) so trying a different approach


Monday, 6 July 2015

The Future

this is going to be keeping me busy

Magic the Gathering soon (as soon as I shake the rest of this Virus)
(next expansion already paid for 11 days till it ships)

Turning it up on Comics collectiing

and the Big one - I am running Rappan Athuk in my part of the Tuesday game it could take a year or so to get through with the format for the group we're using

and then (depending on if the 5e ruleset works (still haven't played it yet))

no more reffing Pathfinder for me

I will be switching officially to 5e after Rappan

I've said it before - but PF in my opinion is massively unbalanced if not strictly control and quite frankly thats not my idea of fun so not doing it any more

*end of line*


Friday, 3 July 2015

To thine own self be true

been off sick this week (most of it)
Hayfever turned Sinitus get this every year

been watching tons of TV and some small tidying (difficulty breathing and the heat which makes it difficult to breathe makes lots of doings well erm difficult)

also some thinking

I collect stuff
RPG's (went into boardgames a little but getting over that now), Who stuff, some novels by particular authors (Tolkien, King and a few others)

but space being what it is having to get more electronic books these days

and thats the thing I am a collector thats who I have to be true to

but some practical factors are rearing ugly heads

so from here on out I am being true to myself (with some restrictions)

I am collecting Who stuff (don't even go there its written  in stone)
I am collecting DC comics with primary focus on Justice League, Green Lantern, Teen Titans and the Justice Society (if they ever bring it back) - these include the 'Families' attached (Green Lantern Corps, Justice League (europe or whatever) and so on

RPG's are taking a back burner (I would like to acquire Call of Cthulhu and World of Darkness stuff but theres no rush)

Marvel comics is going to be awkward - Rob a while ago suggested I just collect the ones I'm interested (sounds like a blindingly obvious thing to say but it's not) Comics are interconnected you have storylines crossing over into different titles and then you finish up with odd comics in titles you don't normally collect and to someone like me thats like a red rag to a bull

So I think I am going to go electronic with Marvel Comixology and Marvels own digital service look good

so new external drive for comics

but if I walk into a charity shop and see a butt load of good condition marvel (or Batman/Superman comics I will leap upon them and feed)

but for the most part restricted (I love trawling Ebay for deals)

I have 3 days before I am going back to work and I want to get the closet done over those 3 days

I need to get some more comic boxes in and to retrieve the boxes of comics stored at Marks for the last few years (If they have survived)

and lots of listing

big project - love it


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

OI !

I know you're there

deactivating your Facebook account seems wierd as it's apparently your only form of contact with people
but if thats what you want hey what can I do about that?

did you write the letters I told you to write to get past your data protection problems between your doctor and gedling homes .... I'm guessing not

was puzzled  a while ago when we 'chatted' on here when you were being 'anonymous' but hey whatever floats your boat

talked to mum a while ago about you signing her and dad in as people that can conduct your affairs for you but if she talked to you about it I bet you haven't done anything about that either

you said a while ago on FB that 'people' were unable or unwilling to help you but from what I can see you are the one that isn't doing what you need to do to get out of this situation you have put yourself in

are you doing that .. not from what I can see

it begins with you

if you do it fantastic

if you don't even try then you never wanted it in the first place

that simple


Thursday, 4 June 2015

Time for Change

Been talking about it for months
time for change
the order has been made and I'm about to step out of my comfort zone


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Here's a thought

for reasons that are perfectly understandable Rob has had to step down as Tuesday Ref for a couple of months or so

so after some thought I volunteered to ref Pathfinder again

I feel quite cheered by this

past experiences aside I think I am much happier reffing than not

of course some players will die if they cross me


oh sorry apparently the voice in my head said that should have read some characters will die

but the voice isn't always right..... BWAH HA HA HA


only using Core Rules, Advanced Players, Advanced Races and Ultimate Magic for generation (at this time)

looking forward to this


Sunday, 10 May 2015

I can't live this way anymore
I refuse to live this way anymore
It's way past time I changed things

Saturday, 2 May 2015

right then

even my blind optimism can't ignore the fact that my previous attempts to improve the aspects of my lfe that I need to (weight health etc) have failed

but not being one to give up

here I go again

diet and walking to work to start with then as weight come off walking more and then at some point of my choosing Gym

but thats not all

first weekend in June (Rob and family off in Burton on Trent end of May) games room gets decorated

end of June Hall and bedroom

end of July Bathroom and Kitchen

End of August Living Room (The Big Job)

then either last quarter this year or first quarter next year carpet tiles throughout

I'm hoping to get stuff done earlier so this is a max deadline kinda thing

as for gaming

big Cthulhu project as well as DND 5e (we still haven't played it yet) under construction

following on with more writing but the stories will be in the campaigns I'm working on so I don't 'drift off' on a tangent

and I've just ordered a Laptop so I can store 'games stuff' PDf's characters and campign work as well as board games stuff

also apparently the thing can run WOW on medium so backup computer in case the desktop goes west

it's not massively powerful or expensive and will do the job

it's a plan and I really am goping to try and stick to it


Saturday, 25 April 2015

"This far no further........"

2 months ago i made a decision to not go ahead with Magic the Gathering because I felt it was too expensive and because of that I couldn't afford to do some other things that I want to do

recently that has changed - recent refinancing and some positive wage based stuff means that I am more comfortable than I was and in august I will be better still

So I think I can do want I want to

New Magic set (new start) in June - they are reformatting the game and starting with a more story based format

while that is going on I wil actually be redecorating the flat

starting the end of May (some stuff I want to do during May)

Games Room (May)
Little Bedroom/Hall (June)
Kitchen/Bathroom (July)
Living Room (August)

Decorating through first
then curtains and any new furniture
then flooring

target for completion - by Christmas

going to be busy :)

Friday, 3 April 2015

Right then

Spent 2 days thinking about this

had no inclination to write/ref for months now
recently any small inclination that was regrowing was stamped out

but WOTC are releasing what amounts to the 5e edition of The Temple of Elemental Evil (along with the MMO expansions for Neverwinter and DDO and a bordgame)

so that got me back to classic DND modules/adventures and the fact that I happen to think they were inspired and in an age where RPG materials are basically churned out at riduculous rates I think I can use some of that material and perhaps rekindle my interest

So I have the AD+D, 3rd ed and going to get the 5e edition version as soon as possible

Thats where it starts - there are a lot of other early material that I think would be fun - so it's going to get done over the rest of my break .... after I dig the modules out of the closet

I want to run more Cthulhu as well

anything else will go on a back burner for now

In other news I hope to get an Xbox1 or a PS4 before the end of the year

having some definative goals makes me happier

and now for dinner :)

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

oh well.......

Yesterday was my Brothers birthday

I wished him Happy Birthday on Facebook

this morning I found that he'd made a comment but then deleted the post on Facebook so I have no idea what he said

however I'm not surprised and don't feel anything anymore

actually more sad about that than about his behaviour

onward :(

Thursday, 19 March 2015


okay so at some point the group is going to play DND 5e (with me as ref probably)

we did the same thing with 4th and as a group agreed to walk away from it because (to put it politely) it wasn't our cup of tea

I think 5e will be different because WOTC did a public design/playtest thing (which is what I think made Pathfinder so good - the players and the designers designed the game) which brings up the real possiblity that we will be playing 5e rather than Pathfinder in the future

I think this will be because now Pathfinder is a bloated whale of options and rising power levels which is exactly what 3.5 turned into and got us to switch to Pathfinder

5e doesn't get a fraction of the releases that PF or 3.5 got which is I think a genius move and will leave DND on top

but I have a metric crapload of Pathfinder material that isn't just mechanics but story as well which I don't want to sell off so what to do

the most likely thing that is going to happen is that I am going to read the material and use plot and chracters in a traditional DND game - mathematical conversions are possible but seems like a lot of work that these days I do not have the enthusiasm for

so whats going to happen is I am going to perhaps pinch adventure (path?) ideas and just repopulate with DND critters and loot etc and see how we get on

second thing is that although I really want to get into Magic tournaments and stuff the sheer expense makes my head spin I could if I really wanted to budget an amount every month for boosters I could but to what end - it doesn't ever end

with the new release format I'd be looking at a 'fat pack' and x times boosters (averaging anywhere between £2.50 and £3.50 per booster) and the fat pack costs £25 - £30 (9 boosters, semi random cards, guide and boxes)

It is so much more expensive than I thought and even I won't go there

So we come to Living Card games - sorta like CCGs but not really random - core set and monthly releases of set cards (about 20 or so) you build decks and add the expansion cards in but it doesnt cost anyway near as much

plus the sets I have are Call of Cthulhu, Lord of the Rings, and newly bought Netrunner I also have Warhammer INvasion but I think thats going on Ebay at some point) - they also have Star Wars and a 40k one that I am probably going to get

and they have organised play

Subject matter for the LCG's is so much closer to my core interests than MTG anyway

so looks like an Ebay clear out coming up

on 01/04/15 I start a 2 week break from work thank god and during that fortnight I will be hitting the 5e books

Providing I can get the World of Darkness thing out of my head - Dels game is great it's pre Batman (and super villains) Gotham it's understated in the sense that we are playing Detectives stumbling across organised Crime (and wierdness) and it's all escalating at a nice pace

Downside is becauseof Dereks genius I keep wanting to dive into the EOD instead of the 5e stuff I'm supposed to be writing

so on the run up to the break I am going to indulge my 'sweet toot' for WOD and get some proper work done later

Also got some LCG's to read - and a boardgame or 2

loads of stuff 

Thursday, 12 March 2015

A Sad Day

Sir Terry Pratchett dies age 66

I was never that much of a fan, but then I was reading loads of material for games and stopped reading for fun at some point 

Nearly all of my friends I think liked his work a lot so feel sorry for their loss as well as the literary world losing a great

Now these days I'm reading for fun again I'm going to give Sir Terry another go

Sunday, 8 March 2015

It is time

although I have made statements like this before I keep trying to get this right and will continue to do so until I succeed

strict weekly diet (something nice one day at the weekend)

walking to work every day

being better with money

earning flexitime at work so I can have more time off

trying to get the flat tidy over time and keeping it that way

branching out and expanding my life instead of getting trapped in the flat sometimes and not wanting to face the world

doing instead of saying

making a life where I am happy, and comfortable more often

This is whats going to happen

starting now


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Le sigh

this weekend going to sketch out what I need to put down as a foundation

A 'blueprint' for what I need to build before years end

2 campaigns
a lighter, happier me
a home thats more comfortable than this

was going to start tonight but found myself thinking about someone I had (have?) feelings for and got nowhere

tomorrow is Friday (my holy day) and then the weekend

got to stop dwelling on the past

now to bed with what is supposed to be a scary book

Onward and all that

Friday, 20 February 2015



Last night smelt wet plaster then went to investigate
coming from airing cupboard - thought smelt that before so will monitor

walked back to kitchen to make coffee to find floor swimming in water, walked back to hall to find water coming out from under airing cupboard door,out from bathroom into hall and coming from somewhere under the bed

I collect books, comics and now Magic the Gathering Cards so panic!

stuffed things down infront of water and mopped until mop broke

Landlord repair centre just said that there was a 'major problem' in the upper floors but told me threre was nothing they could do until the plumbers found the problem

3 hours later they finally find it and I have lost my big 'flappy coat', my Duvet and some clothes

Had to take today off work and clear up stuff but got away without serious losses

normaility to resume shortly :)

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Well I just wrote this

After a chat today with Suse (and a FB 'Chat' this evening I wrote my very first (very) short story

Be Careful what you wish for

He shouldn't have gone back to the shop drunk.

He shouldn't have gone back at all.

DC Sam Turner looked at his watch before going in through the old fashioned door, complete with bell, but didn't see the time.

Three weeks earlier two men had beaten each other into near unconsciousness outside this shop over no motive The Met could figure out. The only link was the shop and the only witness to the crime, Mr Jinover the shop owner.

He'd said the the men hadn't gone into his shop just walked to the pavement outside and proceeded to beat the hell out of each other.

However other residents in the area reported seeing both men going into the shop at one point or another. Still the police had nothing.

Jinover had no record and had caused no trouble since opening his curio shop a year ago. Investigating his financial records showed the shop was making a little profit and his personal finances showed nothing suspicious.

Granted the shop was in a rough part of town but even so it wasn't suffering the same lack of business that the other stores in the area. He took in second hand antiques and collectables and sold them on at no great increase in price but still made enough to keep going.

There was something else, Sam could sense it but couldn't pin the feeling down. He was under pressure from his DS to get this solved and get onto something 'more important' but he couldn't let it go.

So here he was opening the door to 'The Genies Lamp', the bell rang as though The Universe was warning him one last time to turn back but he couldn't.

It was dark in there and he paused while his eyes got used to the gloom, then he noticed the smell of incense in the air, a musky smell, not an unpleasant smell just odd.

“Good evening Mr Turner” said a voice coming from the back of the shop “what can I do for you this evening?
“Sorry for disturbing you” Sam said, hoping he wasn't slurring his words too badly “just had a few more questions for you”
“Nonsense you are welcome at any time” a shape moved from behind some glass display cases holding objects ranging from Star Wars action figures (sealed) to Buzz Lightyear.
“What do you want to know?” said Mr Jinover emerging from behind a tailors dummy holding a set of Samurai Armour.

Mr Jinover looked like a cliché. Middle Eastern, in his 40's, dark haired wearing a black suit and glasses. All he needed was a Fez and Sam could have been in a Hammer movie or maybe one of those Indiana Jones films.

“It's about those two men from before, the ones that attacked each other”
“I was wondering if you had remembered anything else”
Jinover took a step closer
“anything else?” he stared intently at Sam “are you feeling alright Mr Turner?”

Sam realised he was sweating “yes I'm sorry must be fighting a cold”
“let me get you some tea” that suddenly seemed like a great idea “ yeah that'd be great, thanks”

Jinover turned and walked towards the back of the shop “ come this way and have a seat while I prepare your drink”

“thanks” said Sam “ now about the incident?” he followed Jinover to the counter area

Set next to an old fashioned display counter was a large wooden chair with a dark red cushion and carvings of intertwined figures on the back and arms “sit said Jinover”

Sam sat before he realised what he was doing and sighed, must be really drunk he thought as his eyelids flickered.

The next thing he knew was Jinover shaking him by the shoulder and offering him a cup of steaming tea “you must be unwell Mr Turner, you fell asleep”
“sorry” muttered Sam
“quite allright” Jinover waved the apology away “drink your tea it will make you feel better”

Sam took a sip, it was good, what was that herbal? And a strange aftertaste sort of like the incense he'd been breathing in since he entered the shop.

“thanks it's good”
“you are very welcome Sam and now what is it you wish?”
“I want to close this case, I need to close this case”
“ and that is what you wish?”
“you must say the words Sam” Jinover leaned forward, his face a few inches from Sam's “you must say The Word”
I.... I wish I knew how to close this case”

Jinover backed away suddenly smile lighting up his face and eyes glittering “I believe I can help you Sam”

“what?” Sam felt a little dizzy and wasn't sure he was entirely sure what was happening “how?”
“it's what I do my friend, I help people fulfill their desires, for a price of course”
“what price?. what do you know?”

“I know who was responsible”
“who?” Sam's voice seemed far away and somehow smaller and the smell of incense was getting stronger

“well I was of course, indirectly” Jinover spread his hands on the counter “ the two gentlemen who came in both wanted to be the head of their respective organisations and I made that happen for them”

“how?” the room was darkening as Sam felt his awareness slipping

“I simply told them that if they were to remove an important but secret element of their rivals respective group then their rivals would lose power and then my clients would be able to take advantage of the situation”

He smiled “but I didn't expect them to meet and act on my instructions so soon and right outside my humble establishment, that's what you get for dealing with street thugs I suppose”

“but you Sam you are a professional, a police man and I am sure you will be able to complete your task as I instruct you”
“and I'll be able to close the case?”
“once you do as I ask”
“what do you want?”

“I have lived a very long time Sam and I have acrrued a lot of enemies and one of those enemies has found me in London. I want you to take this file which includes evidence that not only was my enemy involved in the altercation outside but is also involved with the dissapearences of several young women in another part of london”

Jinover smiled “you will solve your case and I will evade my enemy nothing could be simpler”

“no” said Sam “nothing simpler” and reached for the file

As The Shopkeeper handed over the file he drew a curved dagger over the back of Sams hand drawing blood. The wound closed quickly and Sam barely had time to notice.

“ now if you don't mind I have certain preperations to make” Jinover guided Sam to the door

Once outside Sams head cleared. He knew what he had to do to stop the person responsible for all of this. He would be a hero and maybe move on up the ranks.

Sam walked off towards his car feeling much better than he had before. This was going to be his year after all.

Inside The Genies Lamp Jinover held the phone to his ear as he slowly licked the dagger he had used to cut Sams hand savouring the taste of another sale made and another soul tarnished.

“hello” said the voice on the other end
“ah DS Mcready I have good news I have want you wanted”
“yes young Sam Turner, one of yours I think. He will go to the address I have given you and find the body, if you could arrange for your men to apprehend him there the evidence I gave you should be enough for you to get him out of both our lives”
“did you receive my payment?”
“yes the young ladies were very useful thank you”
“then our business is done?”
“indeed it is” he sheathed his dagger and hung up

Time to move on he thought as he looked around his lamp.

This is the thing........

Had an interesting day which has left me with more drive to do waht needs to be done which is to change me  - a lot

the majority of this is stuff I've gone over before but haven't done anything about because of stupid reasons and insecurities and worrying about people/stuff

so I'm not going into all that but a thing I'm going to start at the end of the month is this

I've recently more than decimated my digital music collection and have to replace it

but where do you start when you have a collection of over 3gb and thousands of tracks


years ago I bought a Dio ep which had in it a 'family tree' which is to say all teh bands Ronnie James Dio has been in over the years which include Rainbow, Black Sabbath and of Course Dio

so I'm going to do that

with Dio and Genesis (Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins and Mike and the Mechanics etc)

music and research - nice

Monday, 2 February 2015

Start The Clock

Well biopsy results in and I'm still clear

another colonoscopy in 3 years, and after that etc etc

now thats off my mind for a while I can try and get some living done (been a bit distracted for the last couple of weeks)

Struck by the vague ure to dive back into some Stephen Kings
Then I caught some 'conversation with Stephen King' type vids on Youtube and now really want to

think I'm just going to read Horror for a while

The man released 2 books last year neither one I've got and a sequel to one of them is out later this year

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

A beginning

Alanis Morrisette 'Jagged Litle Pill' turned up in the post yesterday

fancied listening to it today in my travels

Ripped CD to my PC
had to download a file converter (cause windows media player stores it as a WMA )
coverted it and loaded it onto my MP3

bought, paid for and the start of a new legitimate music collection

kinda nice

going to be digging out all my CD's soon and doing the same then start replacing the music I deleted at the weekend

Thursday, 22 January 2015


something I realised before Christmas

I stopped collecting things some time ago

Theres a certain evel of involvement in actually collecting which is easy to forget in an electronic world where I could spend a few days and 'collect' every book, audio play, Episode, Movie, Comic, and song that I ever wanted for free

But thats not collecting

Just now a friend (on facebook and I think I've ended up drinking with a few times in the Tap ages ago) who has great taste in music put an Alanis Morissette track on FB and I do the usual 'oh when was the last time I listened to her' and then thought about the fact that I watched Live Aid from my bedroom at my grans all the way through live, I grew up in the 80's at time when the greatest music in the world was written and performed

but everyone thinks that the music they listened to when they grew up was the greatest music ever

and the songs were more often than not about protesting something

against politicians, about gay rights, about famine in africa about seemingly dozens of great causes that I was sorta into at the time but only because my friends were but now realise were and still are massively important.

so back to the point - I have over the years 'collected' massive amounts of stuff but never sat there and thought 'I wonder if Alanis Morrisette is still making music?'

I just load up my MP3 and go off to work or a game or the pub and never ask about the stuff I'm listening to

It's empty - it's false - it's not me, not any more

Hang on a second........

I just deleted 214GB of 'collected' music

and ordered Jagged Little Pill (Alanis Morrisette at her greatest) from an ebay trader with over 280,000 deals under their belt with a 98% positve feedback for the grand sum of

£1.52 on CD

I want to be the person I used to like and respect someone who laughed a lot more than I do these days the person who didn't second guess everything he did the person who had a damn sight more self respect than I find I have

no more blame games - I am responsible for my life and I am answerable to me and the people whose opinions of me matters

this is a start

I'm going to start reading 5E this weekend and and then I'm going to write a campaign based in the Forgotten Realms

After that campaign I will know the system enough and refresh my fantasy reffing brain enough so I can write my own world

In March I am going to register for an Arts and Humanities level 1 course with the OU
after I pass that I will be able to do a level 2 creative writing course

haven't thought about things further than that yet

and I will properly collect the things I am deleting in one format or another and I will be true to myself

oh and I need to learn about cloud storage and if itunes is any good

Night all

Saturday, 10 January 2015

2015 and the Path

I have always had a lot of hobbies and the bill for maintaining the collections I have is sometimes quite large

So it is with some reluctance that I had to proritise things (unless I win the lottery in that case Whoa Nelly!!)

So at the end of Feb (no council tax month) I am buying a 1 year subscription to the Docto Who monthly range from Big Finish - this is quite expensive but saves me £50 over the year in CD's for that range

At the end of March (all going to plan I am getting a PS4)

RPG book purchases are reduces to 1 a month for the White Wolf Collection and new releases for systems I am actually writing or running at that time - right now that is Cthulhu and DND 5e

Comics are reduced to my standing order (unless I come across a deal on a run on Ebay or charity shops etc)

There will be slow acumulation of Doctor Who cd's not included in the Main Range and books/novels/comics etc if they appear

I will be trying to save, be responsible and go out with the remaining funds

And occasional Ebaying will generate funds for stuff outside this plan

January wages already allocated for some damage control for post Christmas poverty and to play a little catch up on Big Finish before the subscription is bought

Flat decoration will be slower than I planned but should still be possible to complete before years end

and I have a few events in mind for later in the year

right then off we go