Tuesday, 10 July 2012

I'm going to do this weight loss thing and I'll tell you for why

As the time goes past for the most part I feel better.. much better than I have in years, seriously

I've wanted to do some conventions for some time and for the most part my closer friends don't wanna so I've not done them either - not blaming anyone just thats the way it has been

But now I feel better and I'm not overly stressed about the travelling alone thing anymore

so thats going to happen :)

but also I've been digging around on the Big Finish site and have decided to get one of the Subscriptions to the Dr WHo audios - it's £70 for 6 months or £140 for 12 months - new releases are £14.99 on subscription it works out at £11.66 each

Can't afford it this month as I'm improving my cooking facilities

someone at work pointed me in the direction of a group of Doctor Who fans based in the midlands called the Whoovers and they throw their own con called Whooverville with gusets and everything (this year has Leela, previous ones have had Colin Baker and Sylvester Mccoy) so con in Derby on September the 1st (keeping an eye on this)

want to go to a massive fantasy con in Brighton next year for a proper Holiday (expensive but I've not had a holiday in about 12 years)

SO the fact that all this is going to cost some capital means that if I stick to the diet I save money and the more weight I lose the better I feel




  1. Congratulations on the weight loss. I should do that myself but I just don't have the discipline or motivation.
    It's a shame that there isn't a fantasy convention in Nottingham, maybe your friends would be more likely to join you there.
    Good luck with the Brighton plan. Maybe someone in The Whoovers would be interested in going with you,if you got to know them well enough by then.
    They used to have that Doctor Who exhibition in Blackpool, but that was years ago, so I don't know if it's still there.
    I know how hard it is to do things alone, it can be a great barrier. I hope you make it. I have a risky plan myself for the future, which will probably fail, but I intend to try.

  2. no point in taking risks bro

    just pick a goal and sometimes the motivation just comes

    Importantly just have fun

  3. Unless the risk is worth the reward. I believe it is.

    You're right about motivation. What I need is to start walking for exercise, but unless I have a specific destination, it feels weird just walking the streets, and there aren't any shops around here to look in or anything like that.

    Fun? I remember that. :D
