Saturday 21 September 2013

well that was the week that was ....

I saw Brit

On Monday couple of feet away, her eyes met mine and the world didn't explode or anything

you see I was listening to an audio of LOTR and it was on my way home from work so all my brian did was 'oh she's nice'.... wait...wasn't that ....and I think I may have smiled and I walked on

Then I got an attack of the warm and fuzzies and several things happened

I looked back to see if I could see her again - she'd gone

I got back to the flat and spent an hour thinking about what I was feeling and a funny thing happend

The guilt, depression, anger thing I've been carrying around for nearly 20 years left... actually left

I still think she's beautiful and I still wish that it had worked out but that 'thing' that had been holding me back, down whatever went away

That was Monday

since then I've been more positive more clear headed (It's difficult to put into words) but the realisation that I have been wrong about a lot of things from back then briefly popped up but I'm not looking for any more things to brood about so I'm gonna see how far this goes before the Universe trips me up

Maybe this time it won't

Work on the flat continues

Xmas planning goes on

My birthday (actually the 27th) at the new and improved Tap n Tumbler

Fuckin A


Sunday 1 September 2013

September 2013

well it's september already and some of what I wanted to get done this year has come to pass

but the inportant thing is that the bookcases are in place

I have something of a library which is scattered around the flat and some in Marks attic

once the next phase of the sorting gets done (books on shelves then stuff sorted into the places the books are currently) I can sort getting the stuff from Marks and get that put away

I have a load of posters around the place that I was wanting to get frames for and put them up, but the frames cost £15 each minimum and although Rob came up with a plan involving MDF and spray adhesive and such that will still cost quite a bit in the long run so I think I may just revert to the basics and get some drawing pins - not as fancy but I'll have art up and wont have to stare at just the white walls

work tomorrow and no time off until sometime in October but using the next 6 weeks or so to keep the pressure on the weight loss thing (routine is by far the most useful thing in this process)

Looking to finish my Pathfinder Campaign around xmas (maybe) anyway I've got 4 dungeons left I think (maybe 5) and then it'll end - then I take an extended not reffing period while Rob takes over then I'll start serious work on the Cthulhu thing

The bones figures are in the country so maybe turn up in the next week or so (then I have 250 figures to sort assemble and paint)

In early December I'll have £300 coming my way from the works xmas savings club and I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out what I'm gonna get for myself and finally decided on a 32GB ipad mini (goes for £350 so will have to add some to it) actually aiming for the 64GB one but thats £430 if I can get them money together will get that one

so some things haven't gone the way I wanted them to but I'm not anywhere near done yet

but for the most part it's going well