Friday 9 October 2015

State of the Union


for what will be 4 weeks next Tuesday I will have been off work ill

Cellulitus in my left leg (opposite to the last time so at least matching scars) had to rest leg and take antibiotics for 4 weeks which have messed me up somewhat

I have however had plenty of time to think

(I know I've started threads like this before and I will understand if people tune out)

My life is going nowhere, I am not a stupid man but I am sometimes weak and that has hurt me in the past and its past time I changed that

(this next bit was gong to be a rambling history of my issues with family and one member in particular but I am really bored with that trainwreck these days so moving on)

So issues

I have 3 RPGs a week - this may be too many there are other games and activities I want to have a go at that only having 4 non RPG days a week gets in the way of so I have to address that at some point

I am going to be running a massive Pathfinder dungeon at some point and after that it's going to have to be DND ( but I can get plenty of ideas and material from Pathfinder adventures and stuff)

I want to run a massive Call of Cthulhu Campaign

Bought DND Attack wing (which amazingly uses the same system as X Wing and Star Trek Attack Wing uses) loads of Dragons and the like so bulking out figure collection

also bought new Army Painter set so I can start on the mountain of figures that need painting

have an idea about how to reformat the flat so It's less ... what it is right now

my health needs attention

I need some 'expansion' in my life

I've been single for 23 years because I ignored Rob's advice about someone I shouldn't have got involved with - she messed me up and damaged my trust in people which I have let hold me back

I want to travel

I want to do so many things  that I don't and I have never been entirely sure why

so new plan is to run at everything and try not to over think things

to quote Stephen King (who pinched it from Reinhold Niebuh)

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The strength to change the things I can
And the good luck not to fuck up to offten